I cannot believe I have been doing these things for five years. I cannot believe I have been on this blog for five years. I cannot believe WyrdGurls has been effectively…
mid-year book freakout
5 Articles
Do you ever get the feeling your body sabotages you when it wants a day off? If you have no idea what I’m talking about, it must be nice, because…
Welp, looks like it’s that time of year again. I have been working to keep myself to a post-every-Saturday schedule – and actually do have a stack of finished draft…
Wow, that really sneaked up on me. I had this on my Todoist and then I forgot, so it’s a little bit later than I meant to post it, but…
I normally don’t do back-to-back posts, but in this case I saw the 2020 mid-year book freak-out tag over on Food for Thought so I had to hop on 😀…